Thursday, February 21, 2008

Burberry dreams

Ok, so back to a certain level of pinkness…

I have this wedding to go to in Austria (also known as Gringowlindowland) and of course I am already thinking about my dress. Even though the wedding is only in the end of August. And even though I haven’t even received the invitation. Call me crazy (although I have a nagging feeling that my craziness won’t seem crazy at all to my fellow inhabitants of the female species).

The thing is, I am scarred for life because of this wedding I went a few years back in Madrid. It was a pretty fancy affair but my budget was not stretching very far. So I had the idea of wearing a dress I already owned, a long sleeveless black piece, and jazz it up with a fringed shale. Very Spanish, I thought. Of course it was 150 million degrees and the reception was outdoors. Black in the Spanish summer, what was I thinking? Plus, a friend, not realizing I was wearing black, remarked how “it was a faux pas to wear black at a wedding in Spain”.

To summarize, I spent the whole day hot and very self-conscious (at least until the champagne kicked in and I forgot I even had a dress on).

So since then I take great care to plan my (other people’s) wedding outfits.

I have already found the first contestant. Never mind is from Burberry Prorsum and therefore out of by budget by about 3 thousand pounds. A girl can always dream…

(the dress)


Anonymous said...

A black dress for a wedding in Spain during a heatwave? I can't help but laugh with your stories. They are fun, fun, fun. Great blog!

Long time, no see...

Wendy said...

The dress is so dreamy, but brought back to earth with more hardcore shoes. Its a nice look!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Oh, that first wedding sounds like a disaster! I wore black to my sister's graduation and it was boiling--I think I got heat burn and sun burn that day. Good luck on your next wedding dress pick!

Guerreira said...

Oh, thanks girls! I will blog about the dress hunting progress (unless I win the lottery, in which case i am buying the Burberry one)!