Monday, July 28, 2008

Middle age crisis

I have been thinking lately about this little pink blog of mine...
And the fact that, besides changing servers once and language also once, it hasn't changed much in other departments.
So I think it is time for a style makeover...I have a few ideas...and if my dear readers would like to contribute with their ideas, I will be a happy, happy bunny...

Here are my thoughts:

** It's time for the Barbie-pink to go. And maybe the little Barbie-girl illustration. Don't get me wrong, I still have a little Barbie-girl inside me, but she has always been more Nicole Ritchie than Paris Hilton.
** I am also thinking of making the blog bilingual. I used to write in Portuguese only, then switched to English, but now I think I could combine both languages. So, Brazilians, what do you think?
** The outfit posts of my favourite things in other blogs is when the girls have "what I wore today" kind of, I don't think that's the direction I will end up going, but I was thinking of sharing some of my shopping finds here...problem is, my camera is pretty crap and I am pretty broke to get a new one right now...wondering if people mind if the quality of the pic is not that perfect...
** Wish lists and inspiration pictures...also wondering what you think of them...I have been mainly posting words in my blogger life, but maybe is time to be a bit more image-heavy?
Anyway, these are my ideas for the future...

(Time to go!!!)


Kira Aderne said...

hi dear!

english or portuguese, your blog is fantastic!!!
ops, português agora...muito obrigada pelo comentário no meu blog, vou adicionar aos meus feeds e te visitar sempre, ok?
Mil beijos, até logo,

the writer said...

ilana, cherie, no rules, that's what blogs are made for. do whatever you want and we'll be here to read. xx

Kira Aderne said...

Amei seu comentário de hj!
Mil beijos!!!

Guerreira said...

Obrigada girls! O makeover está a caminho!