Not wanting to add insult (a wardrobe full of new pieces she couldn’t wear) to injury (the gray and clouds and a bit of rain just to be irritating) the girl refrained from buying too many summer clothes.
2008 came and with it the perspective of another non-summer-summer. With sorrow in her heart, she bypassed the pretty and flowery summer collections and spent her hard-earned cash on another pair of boots and a kick-ass 60s hippie suede jacket.
She was resigned to lounging around in jeans waiting for the temperature to drop so she could wear her new purchases when, surprise surprise, summer decided it was about time to make an appearance.
And so a happy girl went around to get some little (but not too little for work) dresses and skirts, and maybe a few vests and who knows, perhaps even a pair of sandals.
What she forgot was that the shops were already full of autumn pieces and the last few remains of the summer sales (orange shiny dress on a size 4, anyone?).
And so she was back to wearing her jeans. Of course, being able to combine them with flip flops and a sleeveless top is enough to cheer up any tropical girl.
But still, Mr. Summer, have you ever heard of timing???

(Illustration by Abi Goy)