Thursday, July 31, 2008


Last year there was no summer over in Londonland. Besides a sunny week in May.

Not wanting to add insult (a wardrobe full of new pieces she couldn’t wear) to injury (the gray and clouds and a bit of rain just to be irritating) the girl refrained from buying too many summer clothes.

2008 came and with it the perspective of another non-summer-summer. With sorrow in her heart, she bypassed the pretty and flowery summer collections and spent her hard-earned cash on another pair of boots and a kick-ass 60s hippie suede jacket.

She was resigned to lounging around in jeans waiting for the temperature to drop so she could wear her new purchases when, surprise surprise, summer decided it was about time to make an appearance.

And so a happy girl went around to get some little (but not too little for work) dresses and skirts, and maybe a few vests and who knows, perhaps even a pair of sandals.

What she forgot was that the shops were already full of autumn pieces and the last few remains of the summer sales (orange shiny dress on a size 4, anyone?).

And so she was back to wearing her jeans. Of course, being able to combine them with flip flops and a sleeveless top is enough to cheer up any tropical girl.

But still, Mr. Summer, have you ever heard of timing???

(Illustration by Abi Goy)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Sometimes an image just stops me in my tracks…this girl, captured by The Sartorialist, looks so strong and beautiful. I love that her style is classic, not necessarily trendy. And the way she rocks the super short hair…inspiring!

(PS: Thanks for the input on the blog changes...the makeover is on its way but it might take a bit of a while with my limited HTML knowledge and a little help from a friend!)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Middle age crisis

I have been thinking lately about this little pink blog of mine...
And the fact that, besides changing servers once and language also once, it hasn't changed much in other departments.
So I think it is time for a style makeover...I have a few ideas...and if my dear readers would like to contribute with their ideas, I will be a happy, happy bunny...

Here are my thoughts:

** It's time for the Barbie-pink to go. And maybe the little Barbie-girl illustration. Don't get me wrong, I still have a little Barbie-girl inside me, but she has always been more Nicole Ritchie than Paris Hilton.
** I am also thinking of making the blog bilingual. I used to write in Portuguese only, then switched to English, but now I think I could combine both languages. So, Brazilians, what do you think?
** The outfit posts of my favourite things in other blogs is when the girls have "what I wore today" kind of, I don't think that's the direction I will end up going, but I was thinking of sharing some of my shopping finds here...problem is, my camera is pretty crap and I am pretty broke to get a new one right now...wondering if people mind if the quality of the pic is not that perfect...
** Wish lists and inspiration pictures...also wondering what you think of them...I have been mainly posting words in my blogger life, but maybe is time to be a bit more image-heavy?
Anyway, these are my ideas for the future...

(Time to go!!!)

Thursday, July 10, 2008


I have nothing against indie boys (for the uninitiated, those skinny 18 year old guys squeezed inside a pair of skinny jeans who are in an indie band with other skinny boys). I think they are sweet and stylish and I normally like the sounds they make (with their bands people, with their bands).

But I've never wanted to date indie boys, a fact that seems to be mutual.

For a start, I believe it is a power imbalance when you cannot fit in your man’s jeans, but he can happily borrow yours to wear as a baggy style. That is one evil twist on the whole boyfriend jeans thing…

Besides, I do like a man to look like a man, or at least like an older teenager. That’s why I was so pleased to see a fashion editorial featuring a man, not a boy, in the pages of the Telegraph magazine.

(Mind you, I would probably still not be able to squeeze into his trousers! But one can’t have everything…)

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Freud explains

The other day my friend was showing me some stuff she bought her 1 year old daughter and I realized that not only I wanted every single piece for myself (on a slightly bigger size, of course!), but I would actually wear them outside my house…and it’s not that they were those freaky mini-me clothes, they were completely age appropriate for a 1 year old. Is there anything wrong with me?

(In my defence, one of the pieces was a purple and pink polka-dot rain jacket…or does this fact make it even worse?)

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Holiday wisdom

Sorry for the disappearance…I was busy having a lovely holiday with great friends on board of an awesome boat on the beautiful Turkish coast (oh, I so miss it already)…which leads me effortlessly to the topic of this post: things I have learnt from the last time I spent time on board of an awesome boat on the beautiful Turkish coast (yes, I did the same trip 3 years ago and it is so insanely amazing that I will do it again as soon as possible).

** One bikini is not enough for a week, 3 or 4 for is perfect, more than that it just looks like you are trying way to hard, which doesn’t go with such a relaxed atmosphere.
** Intricate bikinis are a crappy idea and won’t see the light of sun. Who wants to have a tanning line running across the middle of your chest?
** It’s always good to have more than one flip-flop. If you loose yours, you won’t have to wear your Converses to avoid the scorching floor or sand.
** It’s also worth packing a pair of good walking sandals for those long hikes. Not that I really hike, mind you. But someone else always does and I am happy to lend my shoes to more active souls.
** Somehow really short things don’t look so tacky on the beach, so it’s a good opportunity to wear all those little dresses you bought forgetting you are 1.76 cm.
** I know the colour of the water is amazing and worth loads of shots, but people somehow look better in bikinis on black-and-white photos (or is it just me?)...

(I wanna go back to paradise...
can someone take me?)