The plan is to watch the film, have lots of Cosmopolitans and, in my case, come to work the next day with a very un-Carrie-like hangover.
I do confess I am excited and unashamed of it. But then again, I can bore dinner party guests to death by talking about the merits of the series, with the help of my converted man.
So, in preparation for the film, here are my all-time favourite SATC quotes.
“My hair hurts”, Charlotte, the morning after the night before, with a very un-Charlotte-like hangover.
“I will wear whatever and blow whomever I want as long as I can breathe and kneel”, Samantha, being Samantha.
Detective: You Irish? Miranda: No, why? Detective: Coz you have beautiful red hair. Miranda: Well I guess anybody can be Irish with the right colourist. (Hot detective, does anyone remember??)
Carrie: So are you saying there's no way you'd go out with a guy who lived with his family? Samantha: Well... maybe Prince William.

(And how could we forget...Smith, we miss you!)
oh smith, smith...
Ai que inveja! Vai mas não conta o final, hein?
Have fun!!
essa foto do smith ta incrivel.... ai ai. adoro todos esses comentarios!!!
acho q uma das frases mais engraçadas foi aquela da Samantha sobre o "funky tasting spunk". hahahaha!!!!
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