Thursday, September 20, 2007

Glamorous me

As one more London Fashion Week draws to a close, I catch myself thinking about the weird world of the beautiful clothes. Don't get me wrong, I love the whole buzz of it as much as the next consumerist lady. But it is a week based on image, and everybody (me on top of ridiculous heels included) tries to put their best one forward. Like when everyone is dying to see what is inside the goody bag, but has to pretend they don't really care. Even if 10 minutes later they are elbowing a fellow show-goer in the eye to get an extra bag forgotten on the front row.

Soooo, instead of talking about the catwalks, the models and how fabulous we all were, I decided to get real and reveal: MY BIGGEST FASHION WEEK FAUX-PAUS.

1) End of show, having a beer at the after party when one of the designers approaches. He gives me his card. I decide to show off just a little and thank him in my only Japanese. "Arigatô Gozaimassssss", I say. "You are welcome, but I am Chinese", he replies.

2) End of another show, general buzz, people leaving the venue in a symphony of chunky heels, many abandoning their yummy cosmetic-brand-sponsored goody bags. Never the one to miss an opportunity, I get a little carried away and end up with three bags in my hands. Not, I repeat, NOT a good look.

3) Waiting for the doors to open at a third event, I spot my favourite fashion blogger coming down the stairs. Having had more than my fair share of free beer, I yell her name, tell her I "loooooooooove" her blog, and proceed to introduce her to my two friends who probably decided to end the friendship then and there. Not only I manage to embarrass the poor blogger, but I make my friends want to hide in their stilettos. Nice one darling.


Lau said...

Eu simplesmente A-DO-RO o jeito que você escreve, não importa a língua!

Anonymous said...

"Gringowlindow" valeu meu dia!! uahuahuahuahuaha

Anonymous said...

Ok, Ilana, meu nível no cel-lep é ESS2 que quer dizer essencial 2. Ainda tô aprendendo quando utilizo 'to be' e quando utilizo 'to have'. Sem dizer que esqueço toda hora de colocar o 's' da terceria pessoa ('does she blá blá blá') e ainda confundo cu com bunda. Isso tem dificultado um pouco a leitura do seu blog, confesso. Mas vou me esforçar. Ano que vem volto aqui. Com otimismo no primeiro semestre. Com realismo, no segundo semestre estarei lendo everything, baby!

Anonymous said...

essa do "you are welcome, but i am chinese" foi foooda!!!
gente, que chato!
pergunta pra ka como fala isso em chines. eu nao sei....
ps: e a nova colecao da prada com aqueles sapatos e as meias incriveis!!!!??? e aqueles casacos muitos loucos com franjas pretas???

Oficina de Longas said...

show de bola, Ilanita, continua otimo o blog em ingles, se bem que sentirei falta de um "cara de palmito" aqui e ali...
Mas a delicia de ler em ingles e ter a sensacao de que voce esta me contando uma historia do jeito que costuma ser sempre, com a bebida dando aquela azeitada na lingua e afiando o ingles...beijao Staroba

Anonymous said...

Franga, em ingles ou em portugues voce eh hilaria! adoro esse seu lado mundo fashion.... muito bom...